
Showing posts from July, 2021

Electrical power management control equipment

Commissioning of an electrical power management control equipment   Manufacture,  Installation, and commissioning of power management equipment. The power management equipment is capable of providing the following protective function: (1) Three-phase Constant Monitoring of incoming mains. (2) Three-phase voltage protection against Phase rotation. (3) Overvoltage. (4) Under voltage. (5) Lose of neutral. (6) Power factor correction using an advanced microprocessor control system. (7) Surge or spike protection. <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> --->

Technology changing the world

Technology is constantly changing the world and the way we live, work and learn. Technology has been improving and drastically changing many different aspects of live. We are living in constant demand for technology to perform different kinds of work procedures and processes. High production in many different kinds of material's, goods and services are determined by technology. Many different kinds of work or trades have become possible because of technology, more so the new improvements of in the technology advancements have made the world a better place to leave in. Technology has been under constant improvement and research which has ultimately yielded better live style, better health, better communication, better means of transport, air, land and sea. The vertical transportation of goods and passengers has seen a major change in technology over the past decades. From relay-controlled elevator panels to very high tech digitalized and computerized panels.  The greatest tool used ...